Forward Security against Looming Quantum Computing Threats

With FailSafe’s Forward Security, the risk to an enterprise's Web3 assets are reduced even if the underlying cryptographic based trust is compromised. As part of the FailSafe project, the Quantum Migration Tool was developed to address future platform level threats to the user’s Web3 assets.

The qMig approach is a low friction means for enterprises to prepare for accelerated breakthroughs in quantum hardware based attacks. The enterprise can continue to conduct business on today’s networks, while setting up a path to migrate assets to a quantum safe network if needed. The intent to transfer can be implemented and recorded on a qMig contract on today’s chains. The same infrastructure is then applicable to quantum safe versions of EVM networks once they become available.

See here for a deeper analysis on quantum computing threats to Web3 assets.

Suite of solutions:

  • qMig tool

Last updated